Acupuncture is a type of holistic medicine that employs the use of needles to treat patients. It stimulates the body to release endorphins, allowing the person to control their appetite. Before any needles are inserted, an examination is conducted to determine the root cause of the person's obesity. The multi-targeted approach is intended to reduce body weight by increasing pituitary gland output. The "Four Gate" points are used to circulate energy throughout the entire body during the initial treatment.
Acupuncture can help people lose weight by stimulating metabolism and increasing endorphin release. It involves leaving needles in place for 30-45 minutes and replacing them with ear tacs that apply gentle pressure whenever the patient is hungry. The patient also needs to cut back on certain foods to reduce cravings and lower insulin or lipid levels. There are no negative side effects and no possibility of addiction. The number of treatments for an overweight person varies depending on their goals and commitment to sticking to the plan.
A large number of people are overweight. For those who are obese, surgery may be the best option, but for those who cannot, they can try acupuncture to see if it can help them lose weight.
Acupuncture is a type of holistic medicine that employs the use of needles to treat patients. Unlike in the cartoon, where the balloon pops and all the air escapes, needles inserted into vital points stimulate the body to release endorphins, allowing the person to control their appetite.
However, before any needles are inserted, the specialist will ask the patient some questions and conduct an examination. This is required to determine the root cause of the person's obesity.
Part of the examination involves assisting the acupuncturist in determining where the needles will be inserted. Your pulse will give the person an idea of your general state of energy and stomach health.
You'll also need to open your mouth and show your tongue to look for cracks, peelings, or puffiness on your stomach, as these can indicate why you're overweight.
When he or she understands the reason, needles are inserted into various parts of the body. One method is known as the multi-targeted approach, and it is intended to reduce body weight by increasing pituitary gland output.
The needles will be inserted in the ear and at two of three different body points. These areas may also include the mouth, stomach, lung, endocrine, spleen, kidney, and thyroid.
The "Four Gate" points would be used to circulate energy throughout the entire body during the initial treatment. It is also possible that electro simulation will be used to stimulate metabolism and increase endorphin release.
These needles will be left in place for 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the level of support required. These are then removed and replaced with ear tacs that are adhered to the same spot as the needles.
These ear tacs function by applying gentle pressure whenever he or she is hungry. It causes a mild endorphin release and relaxes the patient, allowing them to use their willpower and resist the urge to eat.
The patient will also need to cut back on certain foods to reduce cravings. According to some studies, this can also lower insulin or lipid levels in the blood.
The best part about acupuncture is that there are no negative side effects and no possibility of addiction. Because needles can only do so much to control one's weight, the patient will need to return for regular treatment as well as pay attention to one's diet and exercise on a regular basis.
The number of treatments for an overweight person varies depending on how many pounds they want to lose, how quickly they want to lose them, and their commitment to sticking to the plan.
The average patient, on the other hand, who wants to lose 5 to 10 pounds will need to come for treatment every three days or twice a week at first, then once every two weeks after that. It is up to the individual as to when the treatment will be completed, demonstrating that acupuncture can help you lose weight.
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